Monday, July 11, 2016

The first taste of Ne3 (netree) (at IEMSs in Toulouse)

We had this presentation, this morning at IEMSs, about some of the many lines of work where Francesco Serafin (his blog here) is developing his Ph.D research. The origin of the work is that modelling basins is to model hillslopes (or Hydrologic Response Units, HRUs) connected by a river network. Most of what happens in HRUs is independent from what happens in the others. Some instead is aggregated by river network. So why do not use this natural structure to organise modelling and processes (and send them in parallel, when possible, using the tree structure) ?
Actually this can grow more, since many systems (a plant, ecological interactions, hydrological interactions), can be seen described over a graph of interactions. So the Ne3 can become a more general way to investigate natural systems. However, you can enjoy the presentation, by clicking on the figure above.  Ne3 source code written so far in on Github.

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