Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Virtual Luna Project

Luna Leopold wrote some of the papers that delighted my early research years (together with those by Ronald Shreve, Ignacio-Rodriguez-Iturbe and V.K. Gupta/Ed Waymire).

"On February 23, 2006, Luna Leopold died at the age of 90.  Luna was a vital force, a man of extraordinary creativity and originality, whose passion about science and the natural world permeated all he did.  He wrote with a clarity, simplicity, and insightfulness that inspired generations of researchers.  Nearly all of Luna’s papers precede the time when publishing houses make pdf’s available.  In order to avoid Luna’s seminal papers becoming “classics” (papers often cited but never read), we have created a web page where the majority of Luna’s papers have been scanned and made available on line as pdf’s.    Luna assisted with this work, reviewing the publication list and helping us find originals of papers. "

     The Luna Leopold Virtual Project  "contains a list of Luna’s publications. For those papers for which we could find copies, we (the web site curators) have made pdf’s.  There are some gaps (which we -they- hope to close soon) and some wonderful inclusions."

The Luna Lepold Virtual Page, can be found here.

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